Saturday, February 09, 2008

I trust that everyone ...

... has noticed that this blog is continuing on its merry way, with only a slight change in title and purpose. It's no longer to be found on The Inquirer's Web site, but that's OK. They are about to put all their blogs on a different platform anyway.
I am actually at the office today, packing up and moving out. Debbie and I are going to the orchestra tonight, so regular blogging is unlikely to resume before tomorrow, at which time ... away we shall go!


  1. Frank, I am delighted that you have continued to blog. I visit here every day and was very hopeful that you would continue. Happy retirement!

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Glad to read this news, Frank. I'm avidly reading, as ever!

  3. Oh, that is a big relief! I am so pleased to see that you will be continuing with a blog, Frank, and I hope things were OK on your final day at the paper. I look forward to more of your excellent tips and observations! :-)
